Sexual Grounding Therapy tuo uutta näkökulmaa perhesuhteiden keskiöön ja sen ydintä liikuttavaan energiaan, joka vaikuttaa kehitykseemme ja kaikkiin ihmissuhteisiimme varhaislapsuudesta vanhuuteen. Kurssiviikonlopun aikana käymme läpi kehityksen luonnollista etenemistä uudelleen – tytöstä naiseksi ja pojasta mieheksi – sekä omaksumme “solutason” tietoa kehokokemustemme kautta upealla ja voimaannuttavalla tavalla. Tervetuloa mukaan – Ensimmäistä kertaa Suomessa!
Sexual Grounding Therapy brings a new perspective to the center of family relationships and the energy that moves its core, which affects our development and all our human relationships from early childhood to old age. During the course weekend, we go through the natural progression of development again – from a girl to a woman and from a boy to a man – and we absorb “cellular-level” knowledge through our body experiences in a wonderful and empowering way. Welcome aboard – First time in Finland!
Sexual Grounding Therapy is an effective form of psychological self-development rooted in experiential body-psychotherapy in a group format. It was developed in the early 1990s by Willem Poppeliers, a Dutch developmental psychologist. It is based on Poppeliers’ pragmatic theory, and is an innovative approach to systemic, body-oriented depth psychology and sexual therapy.
Addressing the delicate issues of sexuality and relationship in a clear, direct and pure way, SGT is a revolutionary bodywork approach that offers a missing piece to many psycho-therapeutic methods. SGT has pioneered ways of incorporating sexual mirroring into participants’ being, so that they have a new experience of both original sexual innocence and full support from parents as models for male and female identity and everyday relationship.
SGT helps participants to achieve freedom from inappropriate projections and life scripts, to regulate and harmonize an inner and outer flow of sexual energy, to place sexuality within the context of relationship, and to feel supported by their parents and ancestors.
During the course, participants re-experience the natural progression of development – from girlhood to becoming a woman, from boyhood to becoming a man. They acquire a “cellular” knowledge, through body experience, rather than learning intellectually.
An introduction workshop will offer a short overview about the main concepts and tools of Sexual Grounding Therapy®. We will work with the sexual development of the child in theory and practice and give insight in the developmental stages of grown-up sexuality.
Sexual Grounding Therapy makes use of following techniques:
The introduction group workshop is a prerequisite for anyone wishing to apply for the full course. Full basic course schedule, Level 1 will be in 2025-2026 in Tammisaari Finland. There will be four one weeks blocks of which dates will be informed later.
Date: October 11-13, 2024
Schedule: Friday: 18:00-21:00
Saturday: 9:30-13:00 / 14:30-19:30
Sunday: 9:30-13:00 / 14:00-16:00
Facilitator: Véronique Vachet, Vasanti
Price: 360€ (Advance payment 90€, final payment 270€ before the event)
Place: Helsinki, Yoga School Shakta
For long-distance travelers, we coordinate shared Airbnb accommodation.
Any information and registration, please contact: meandweflow(at), +358 40 5553271
The course is taught in easy-to-understand English and translation help is available if needed.
Véronique Vachet, Vasanti:
Born in France in 1965 and mother of three children, Vasanti is a Sexual Grounding Trainer and has been teaching the “Love and Ecstasy Training” for many years. She is an experienced Body Psychotherapist and practices Vegetotherapy, the original therapeutic approach developed by Wilhelm Reich.
Over the past decade, Vasanti has been instrumental in bringing Sexual Grounding Therapy (SGT) to France. With more than 25 years of experience in entertainment for all generations, she also has multicultural experience in Russia, Ukraine, and many other countries. For over 25 years, she has worked with people of all generations, backgrounds, and cultures, leading workshops of her own creation. She has a strong commitment to the new generation and is the founder of the Impulse Festival, the first international festival for 18-35-year-olds.
Feedback from Vasanti’s previous course Mystery of Love, which included also SGT exercises:
“The retreat provided an excellent opportunity for self-reflection and gaining new perspectives on ourselves. We were genuinely impressed by the diverse workshops and the unique approach to working, which many had not experienced before. We sincerely hope that this is not the end and that Vasanti will return to Finland to shed light on new perspectives and opportunities for exploring oneself on the path of spiritual growth.”
“The course was absolutely AMAZING! In a way, words don’t even suffice to describe the experience, but I’ll try… My partner and I came with a curious excitement that was palpable. Vasanti was a FANTASTIC instructor; she led the tantric workshops with incredible skill. The weekend was filled with immense emotional upheaval, wonderful encounters, deepening of our relationship, and lovely touch. The breaks and sharing sessions structured the activities well, allowing for sufficient pauses amidst the intense work. My heart is full of gratitude for getting to experience such an incredible workshop in Finland!”
“I want to thank you from the depths of my soul for this piece of heaven you guided me to with this retreat. The heaven I have inside of me, with me. You so wisely and forcefully guided me to see a glimpse of my true self for the first time in my adult life. And I fell deeply in love with myself. This love I will nurture, cherish and teach my children as well. This is a gift so great; I will never forget it; I will never forsake myself again. Please go and keep giving this gift to as many people as possible! One day I can do it too.”
“The instructor was incredibly insightful, I could easily surrender to the support provided. I appreciated how the course delved directly into emotions, experiences, and more. Vasanti’s precision and experience in constellation-like work were truly impressive. It felt like there was a lot of reflection on one’s own shadow aspects within the group, even if one wasn’t the direct focus of the work. The weekend was an excellent package! There’s a lot to digest and work through from the course for a long time. It’s a highly effective illumination of challenges within relationships. Vasanti has a gentle heart and impeccable professionalism.”